Gun-Tuning: Made by Professionals for Professionals
Precision and reliability are the most important parameters of a firearm. This goes without saying, regardless of the intended purpose or the shooter.
With good reason hunters, sport shooters, special forces and authorities clean and maintain their firearms with Gun-Tuning by SchleTek. Working closely for many years with our customers from such differing backgrounds, SchleTek has developed a completely new product line for gun cleaning and maintenance, which does not have to stick to outdated recipes and applications foreign to firearm maintenance.
SchleTek Gun-Tuning is the gun care product line of the latest generation, without compromises, and stays true to the SchleTek motto: Only the best for your firearm.
SchleTek introduces innovative, rapid acting liquid cleaner for suppressors of all types, materials and coatings. SchleTek Evolution scores with very short exposure time and self-active cleaning formula.
Suppressors, also called silencers or sound moderators, are becoming increasingly popular. And quite rightly so, since modern suppressors combine several advantages: Noise suppression, recoil reduction and precision enhancement. SchleTek being a dialogue orientated, innovative manufacturer therefore reacted to the increasing need of its customers for an equally powerful cleaning agent for suppressors. In collaboration with the world´s leading manufacturer of suppressors, Swiss B&T AG based in Thun, SchleTek developed an evolutionary suppressor cleaner, which meets and exceeds the users´ requirements.
The name says it all: SchleTek Suppressor Cleaner Evolution makes laborious cleaning procedures a thing of the past. It cleans self-actively all types of suppressors and removes even the most stubborn fouling. SchleTek Suppressor Cleaner Evolution is highly effective as well as easy and time-saving to use. On top of it, Suppressor Cleaner Evolution is environmentally friendly, water soluble, and has been positively tested for compatibility of materials. Due to its special pH-neutral formula it does not harm any surfaces and is suitable for all materials and coatings, including Cerakote™.
Even suppressors which cannot be disassembled, carbon suppressors and suppressors with rows of holes or super-fine suppression maximising baffles, which are usually very difficult to clean, can be cleaned easily and effortless with SchleTek Evolution. The suppressor has to be closed on one end, and then filled with the cleaner from the opposite end. Suppressors which can be taken apart are simply put into a container filled with SchleTek Evolution. After a reaction time of only 20 to 30 minutes, for stubborn fouling up to a maximum of 120 minutes, the residue can be easily flushed out or rinsed off with warm water. Heating to approximately 50°C (122°F) additionally increases cleaning efficiency. SchleTek Evolution is also suitable for ultrasonic baths.
Although suppressor cleaning is not mandatory as often as bore cleaning, it should not be disregarded. If no manufacturer´s recommendation exists, suppressors should be cleaned, at least, when heavily soiled or when they have not been in use over a longer period of time to prevent the formation of acidic condensates.
To protect and preserve suppressors, spray SchleTek 2in1 Gun-Tuning on thread and suppressor after cleaning and fully drying.